There is no single drugtest that will detect each and every substance consumed by you. Each type of drugs must be tested for independently. The NID? specifies that the minimum test be for the following five classes:
Amphetamines and methamphetamines (Ectasy and Phentermine will show up here)Cannabinoids (Marijuana, Hashish)CocaineOpiates (Heroin, Opium, Morphine, Codeine)Phencyclidine (PCP)Additional drug testing include:
Anabolic steroids (Stanazolol, Nandrolene)Barbituates (Amytal, Fioricet, Nembutal, Seconal)Benzodiazepines (Ativan, Klonapin, Librium, Valium, Xanax)MethadoneMethaqualonePropoxyphene (Darvon, Darvocet)Factors afecting drug detection times:
Metabolism (a faster metabolism gets rid of the substance more easily)History (frequency) of use (the greater the frequency - the longer the detection time)Tolerance (prolonged use brings higher tolerance and shorter detection time)Body weigth (the more body weight, the longer the detection period)Potency of drug
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