Beat A Drug Test

You can pass a drug test in 24 hours but you need to read on to learn which product is good for your situation. Simply put, a quality drug testing product is the most reliable way to beat a drug test. Although there are many alternative methods and inferior products that you could use in an attempt to beat a drug test, there is no reason to risk losing your job because you were trying to save a few dollars. The reason that quality drug testing products are the best option if you want to beat a drug test is because they are specifically designed by experts to perform the task of fooling a drug test. Even though they are extremely effective and reliable, you may be surprised at how inexpensive quality drug testing products actually are.
toxin rid
When it comes to saliva screening, there is only one product that you need to beat this drug test. For less than fifty dollars, you can invest in the peace of mind that goes along with knowing that you will not have any trouble beating your saliva drug test. Spit-N-Kleen mouthwash is by far the most reliable solution for beating this type of drug test. Spit-N-Kleen comes in a small half ounce bottle which is extremely easy to conceal. Right before your saliva drug test, you can slip into the bathroom and swish this around your mouth for three minutes. After you spit out the mouthwash, you can walk out of the bathroom with full confidence in your ability to beat your drug test.
Hair Follicle Shampoo
Test Clear actually offers two different products that can help you beat a hair drug test. The first product is Clear Choice shampoo. This shampoo is designed to be used on the morning of your drug test. After you apply and rinse off the shampoo, your hair will have an eight hour "Clear Zone" This means that as long as your hair test is administered within the next eight hours, you will have no problem being able to beat it. The second shampoo offered by Test Clear can be used with or without the Clear Choice shampoo. This shampoo is Nexxus Aloe Rid, and it is actually designed to be used on a daily basis. Nexxus Aloe Rid deeply cleanses your hair and gets rid of all the toxins on your scalp. This shampoo will leave your hair drug free and shiny after every shower. If you need help deciding which one of these shampoos will most effectively help you beat a drug test, you can discuss your specific situation and circumstances with a Test Clear Drug Testing Advisor.
Fast & Clean
The last (but most popular) type of drug test is the urine screen. In order to beat this drug test, you will want to purchase a powdered urine kit. This kit, which costs less than fifty dollars, includes everything you need to beat a urine drug test. Unlike other inferior products, the Powdered Urine in this kit is actual drug-free human urine. In addition to this high grade urine, a Powdered Urine Kit also includes an easy to use heater. This heater can be used to warm the urine to the same temperature as an actual urine sample. If you need to beat a urine drug test, you cant go wrong with a powdered urine kit!
Ur-ine Trouble
Now what do you do if you don't have time to buy a product to help you beat a pass a drug test in 24 hours? You can either try to delay the test and or order a proven product to help you beat a drug test, or you can get the Classified Drug Testing Secrets EBook. In the EBook there is 100 pages of useful information to help you beat a drug test. Using a proven drug testing product such as the Powdered Urine Kit is better, but the information in Classified Drug Testing Secrets can buy you some time.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Beat A Drug Test

You can pass a drug test in 24 hours but you need to read on to learn which product is good for your situation.

Simply put, a quality drug testing product is the most reliable way to beat a drug test. Although there are many alternative methods and inferior products that you could use in an attempt to beat a drug test, there is no reason to risk losing your job because you were trying to save a few dollars. The reason that quality drug testing products are the best option if you want to beat a drug test is because they are specifically designed by experts to perform the task of fooling a drug test. Even though they are extremely effective and reliable, you may be surprised at how inexpensive quality drug testing products actually are.

toxin rid
When it comes to saliva screening, there is only one product that you need to beat this drug test. For less than fifty dollars, you can invest in the peace of mind that goes along with knowing that you will not have any trouble beating your saliva drug test. Spit-N-Kleen mouthwash is by far the most reliable solution for beating this type of drug test. Spit-N-Kleen comes in a small half ounce bottle which is extremely easy to conceal. Right before your saliva drug test, you can slip into the bathroom and swish this around your mouth for three minutes. After you spit out the mouthwash, you can walk out of the bathroom with full confidence in your ability to beat your drug test.

Hair Follicle Shampoo
Test Clear actually offers two different products that can help you beat a hair drug test. The first product is Clear Choice shampoo. This shampoo is designed to be used on the morning of your drug test. After you apply and rinse off the shampoo, your hair will have an eight hour "Clear Zone" This means that as long as your hair test is administered within the next eight hours, you will have no problem being able to beat it. The second shampoo offered by Test Clear can be used with or without the Clear Choice shampoo. This shampoo is Nexxus Aloe Rid, and it is actually designed to be used on a daily basis. Nexxus Aloe Rid deeply cleanses your hair and gets rid of all the toxins on your scalp. This shampoo will leave your hair drug free and shiny after every shower. If you need help deciding which one of these shampoos will most effectively help you beat a drug test, you can discuss your specific situation and circumstances with a Test Clear Drug Testing Advisor.

Fast & Clean
The last (but most popular) type of drug test is the urine screen. In order to beat this drug test, you will want to purchase a powdered urine kit. This kit, which costs less than fifty dollars, includes everything you need to beat a urine drug test. Unlike other inferior products, the Powdered Urine in this kit is actual drug-free human urine. In addition to this high grade urine, a Powdered Urine Kit also includes an easy to use heater. This heater can be used to warm the urine to the same temperature as an actual urine sample. If you need to beat a urine drug test, you cant go wrong with a powdered urine kit!

Ur-ine Trouble
Now what do you do if you don't have time to buy a product to help you beat a pass a drug test in 24 hours? You can either try to delay the test and or order a proven product to help you beat a drug test, or you can get the Classified Drug Testing Secrets EBook. In the EBook there is 100 pages of useful information to help you beat a drug test. Using a proven drug testing product such as the Powdered Urine Kit is better, but the information in Classified Drug Testing Secrets can buy you some time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

PCP (Phencyclidine)

Also known as the peace pill, angel dust, killer weed, supergrass, and many more. Phencyclidine is the chemical name for the drug PCP. PCP is an illegal drug and is probably the most dangerous hallucinogen that is currently being used. PCP was originally used as an anesthesia for surgery, but because of its severe effects, it was soon discontinued. In its purest form, it is a white, crystal-like powder that is easily dissolved in water. In an impure form, the drug is often tan or brown in color and can be in a powder, paste or liquid. It is usually sold in powder form, or as capsules or pills.

PCP can be taken by mouth or snorted; it is usually smoked, however. PCP is usually applied to dark brown cigarettes or cigarettes containing leafy products such as mint, oregano or even marijuana. PCP is occasionally injected, as well.

What happens when you are on PCP?

PCP is hard to classify. Different people react to the drug in different ways. The usual effects of PCP use include:

At low doses:

Shallow and rapid breathingIncreased blood pressure and heart rateIncrease in body temperatureExcessive sweatingRapid and involuntary eye movementExaggerated walkNumbnessBlurred eyesightSlurred speech

At moderate and high doses or with long term use:

Rapid drop in blood pressure, heart rate and breathingNausea and vomitingBlurred visionDizziness and loss of coordinationPermanent speech problemsDecreased awareness of painMuscle contractions that lead to jerky movementsConvulsions and eventually coma or deathPermanent brain, heart and lung damageFear of people and thingsMemory lossFlashbacksAgitationCatatonia

When people use phencyclidin, it is hard to determine the dose. You don’t know exactly what you are getting, and users often have severe reactions to the drug.

The psychological effects of PCP include:

Inability to think clearlyMild to intense euphoriaFear, anxiety and panicDetachment from realityExtraordinary strengthSense of invulnerabilityViolenceFlashbacksDelusions

High doses and excessive use of PCP often lead to symptoms that are almost indistinguishable from those of schizophrenia. With doses of 150mg or more, death can also occur. As with other drugs, long-term abuse can lead to severe mental and physical damage. Persistent speech problems, loss of memory and severe anxiety and depression are just some of the long-term effects. This is an extremely dangerous drug.

Related Post: Amphetamines (Speed)

Technorati drug test, effects of pcp, hallucinogen, illegal drug, PCP, pcp angel dust, pcp drug, pcp facts, pcp information, pcp users, phencyclidine, phencyclidine effects, what is pcp

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How to pass a drug test in 24 hours?

Many people are looking for a way how to pass a drug test in 24 hours.  There are only two proven effective ways to do this.

Way one: urine substitution

You can use your friend’s urine if you know it is clean. But we strongly recommended  to use Quick Fix Synthetic Urine for unsupervised urine test because:

It is completely undetectableQuick Fix Synthetic Urine has never failedVery easy to use and to conceal!Gives successful results on ANY Drug Test, including but not limited to EMIT, RIA and GC/MS testsQuick Fix synthetic urine is the only patented productFrom the most trusted name in Detox ProductsIt is 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEDQuickfix is used by many testing labs to calibrate their testing equipmentWill work for instant screens, lab tests, all pre-employment, random, and probation testsUnlike natural urine Quick Fix Synthetic Urine can be heated unlimited times without ruining the integrity

Way two: urine dilution

The basic principle of urine dilution is drinking a plenty of water. One gallon of water is enough to pass home drug test. But what if you need to pass a drug test in a lab? You should know  that labs are required to test the creatinine in all regulated specimens, and to test specific gravity for specimens with creatinine less than 20 mg/dL. So most likely you will fail because of diluted results if you will drink pure water.

But there are good news for you: there are specially designed, tested and backed by manufacturer’s guarantee Marijuana Detox Kits . These detox kits contain creatine monohydrate, which your body is using to produce creatinine. So your creatinine level will stay above cutoff while you will flush out marijuana metabolites from your urine with water.

Why not use these proven effective Marijuana Detox Kits to pass a drug test in less than 24 hours?

Super fast same day delivery is available!

Technorati creatinine level, dilution, how to pass a drug test, lab tests, urine test

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Amphetamines (Speed)

Amphetamine also known as speed is a drug, which influences central nervous system. Officially it can be applied for the treatment of some diseases like narcolepsy (sleep disturbance) or attention disorders.

On the one hand it affects as drastic energizer, taking speed makes you full of beans, it helps to keep awake round-the-clock. Under the influence of amphetamine you feel yourself much more vivacious and energetic. On the other hand of course some drug side effects take place. Next day you can feel jumpy, depressed and exhausted.

What are the main reasons, which bring the people about taking speed? Mainly they are attracted by the possibility to stay awake for a long time. For these purpose they usually use it mixed with drink or food. Others use speed for the purpose of weightloss, cause one of its drug side effect is lack of appetite.

The amphetamine effect also depends on the way of taking it. The mostly used way is breathing the powder through the nose. As we mentioned above, also it can be dissolved in drink or taken with food. Injection is considered to be the fastest way to reach essential happiness.

Slang names for amphetamine: Snow, Goey, Fast, Uppers, Whiz, Dragon’s Blood, White, Oxblood.

Technorati amphetamine, dragon blood, drug side effects, effects of amphetamines, goey, injection, narcolepsy, oxblood, snow, speed, uppers, weightloss, whiz

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How to Pass a Drug Test Naturally

Want to know how to pass a drug test naturally? Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Natural Cleansing Program is your best solution!

Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing ProgramPrice: $59.99

World’s Most Sophisticated Cleansing System totally cleanses blood and urinary tract in 7 days. Flush waste and toxins (such as cocaine, THC, marijuana, meth, alchohol, nicotine and other pollutants) off your whole body at a steady pace and meet the future with no worries. Herbal Clean’s Premium Detox is designed for those who desire a total body purity. Natural ingredients and vitamins provide a real boost and speed up rejuvenation processes.

Permanently Removes Toxins From Hair-Blood-Urinary Tract.
Premium Detox includes a comprehensive 7 day Lifestyle Management Plan formulated by a team of nutritionists to dramatically enhance health and wellness through detoxification. Herbal Clean Premium Detox also includes an exclusive 1 hour Emergency Flush.

Only the finest ingredients from all over the world are used to manufacture quality detox products which are natural, safe and effective for cleansing the body. Experience a gentle herbal lift from Premium Detox Morning Blend and a calm natural relaxant in Premium Detox Evening Blend. The manufacturer guarantees successful results or your money back.

Just in case you need a fast solution we add Exclusive Emergency Flush which works in an hour!

For heavy users or people with large body mass Herbal Clean recommends using this program twice back-to-back.

Each box of Herbal Clean consists of 3 sets of capsules: a morning set, an evening set and an exclusive 1 hour Emergency Flush. Usage instructions, nutrition and meal plans and general health and wellness information are included.

Technorati cleanse body, cleanse hair follicles, dilute urine, herbal products, herbal tea, illicit drugs, pass drug test naturally, types of drug tests

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If You’re Arrested for Drug Possession (UK)

If you become involved with the police your first reaction may be to mouth off and become stroppy or aggressive, even if you know you’re innocent. Don’t - it’ll just make the situation more difficult to deal with. Stay calm, keep quiet and ask for a solicitor. There are strict limits on how long you can be detained in a police station. If you’re 17 or under, the police must contact your parents or guardian; you shouldn’t be questioned without an appropriate adult present because the interview wouldn’t be allowed as evidence in a court. If your parents do come to the police station and take responsibility for you, you’re far more likely to be cautioned. If your parents don’t come, you’ll probably be charged with an offence.

If the police consider that your offence is relatively minor, and particularly if you’re young and it’s a first offence, they can give you an official “telling off”, known as a caution. Different police forces have different attitudes to cautioning, so you can’t rely on it as an option. You can be cautioned more than once, but you’re unlikely to be cautioned more than three times - after that you’ll be sent to court. Cautions are generally only used for the least serious offences, such as possessing a small quantity of cannabis for personal use.

If you’re prosecuted and found guilty, sentences vary according to:

the nature of the offencehow harmful the drug isyour personal circumstances, such as how old you are, and whether it’s a first offence.

The maximum sentences are only imposed in very serious cases. Whatever happens you get a criminal record for life.

Related Post: Definition of Marijuana.

Technorati cannabis, drug abuse, drug law, drug possession, drugs, drugs and the law, police caution

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Drug Driving

Driving under the influence of drugs can finally bring to license loss. The drug tests are carried out in case if the driving license is issued or before its renewal. The number of car accidents increases alongside with the number of persons driving under the narcotic influence. At any point the driver can be tested at-the-scene with the help of absorbent (saliva analysis).

There is no exact statistics showing the effects of the drugs on different persons. Indicants may change every day. The matter is that the effect depends upon the time of drug intake, current diet, etc.

Technorati car accident, driving under influence of drug, drug driving, drug driving laws, drug effects, drug intake, drug tests, narcotic influence, saliva analysis

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Can You Stop Taking Drugs

Daily users of drugs which produce physical dependence like the opioids (e.g. heroin) and the sedative-hypnotics (e.g., benzodiazepines and barbiturates) almost always require medical assessment and detoxification with medications. Withdrawal from opioids is extremely unpleasant but not life-threatening; on the other hand, withdrawal from sedative-hypnotics can be extremely dangerous as it can cause seizures may be life-threatening.

In general, people have an easier time curtailing intermittent or sporadic use than daily use. In particular, people who on a daily basis use opioids, sedative-hypnotics, stimulants like cocaine, or marijuana have a great deal of difficulty stopping. And when they stop, they typically struggle to “stay stopped.” For most daily drug users, frequent relapses are the rule rather than the exception. For this reason, the rehabilitation process should include extensive training in “relapse prevention.” As with alcohol, medical detoxification is merely the first step of a long and arduous process.

When a drug-dependent person continues to relapse in spite of serious efforts to get clean and to stay clean, it is time to reach for the heavy artillery. The heavy artillery includes intensive involvement in self-help groups, longer-term residential treatment, and the judicious use of medications such as methadone and LAAM.

Related Post: Sudden Drug Test Can Destroy Your Career and Your Life

Technorati barbiturates, benzodiazepines, detoxification, Heroin, how to pass a drug test, Marijuana, methadone, opioids, pass drug test, rehabilitation drug, stop drugs, withdrawal

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Cocaine and Crack Cocaine

Cocaine and crack are very addictive illegal drugs. They are very powerful and fast-acting stimulants that give people a high. Cocaine, in its purest form, is a white chunky powder. It is produced by processing the leaves of the cocoa plant (which is mainly found in South America). Crack is a smokeable form of cocaine that comes in tiny chunks or rocks. Crack is most often sold in small vials and is usually pretty cheap. Crack is known to be more powerful than powder-form cocaine. The high from crack is also far more intense and addictive than that of cocaine.

Cocaine and crack are used differently. Cocaine is usually snorted (quickly inhaled through the nose) or done intravenously (injected). Crack is usually smoked in a glass pipe or in tobacco and marijuana cigarettes.

What are the effects of Cocaine/Crack?

Short-term effects:

Feeling of limitless power and energyAlertnessIncreased heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperatureInability to sit still or sleepFalse sense of joy

This high is followed quickly by a crash. Once the euphoric feeling wears off, users feel depressed, tired, irritable and nervous. They usually also feel a need for more of the drug. Users can become addicted very quickly.

Long-term effects:

With prolonged use of cocaine/crack people usually experience:

Extreme anxietyDepressionParanoia and suspicion of othersHallucinations and “coke bug”- where users see imaginary bugs on their bodiesAddictionPermanent lung damagePersonality changesHoles/ulcers inside the nose (from snorting coke)

If Cocaine is injected, there is a major risk of getting and/or transmitting AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases.

The effect of cocaine and crack in our communities has been devastating. Due to the fact that crack is so inexpensive, young children have had access to it. Cocaine/crack addicts will do just about anything to get their next hit, even things such as prostitution, drug selling, stealing and other crimes. Cocaine/crack use has contributed to numerous accidents, including car crashes, drowning, falls, and burns; it has resulted in murders and suicides.

Related Post: Facts about Cocaine

Passing a Cocaine Drug Test

Technorati Cocaine, cocaine addiction, cocaine effects, cocaine facts, crack, crack addicts, drug, effects of cocaine, illegal drugs, what is cocaine

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How Long Does Marijuana Stay in your System

This is the single most frequently asked question. It is impossible for anyone to estimate the time it would take for someone to test clean. The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different.

Computer programs, charts and graphs are virtually useless in determining how long it will take YOU, the individual, to test negative. Use drug testing kits to be 100% sure that you don’t fail the test.

Technorati drug test, drug test kits, pot test, smoking pot

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Drug Testing in the Workplace (Employee DrugTesting)

Employers must follow laws which require drug testing such as:

Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Private employers with 15 or more employeesAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Permits employers to adopt drug testing and drugfree workplace policiesState Workers Compensation laws an injured worker may not receive worker’s compensation benefits if the employers injury occurred due to their intoxicationFederal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988US Department of Defense regulationsUS Department of Transportation regulations Requires drug and alcohol-free workplace

Symptoms to look for in employees: change in work habits, lateness, absenteeism, accidents, change in productivity, change in mood, increased level of crime within the workplace.

Reasons employers may drug test:

Fulfill insurance providers requirementsMinimize hiring employees who may abuse drugsProvide a safe working environmentDeter recreational drug use by employeesComply with federal and state regulations

The federal government, The National Institute on DrugAbuse requires many companies to test for NIDA-5 - 5 specific drug categories:

Marijuana (THC) and hashCocaine and crackAmphetamines (AMP), Methamphetamine (MAMP), and speedHeroin, opium, codeine, and morphinePCP (angel dust)Technorati alcohol free, drug abuse, drug free, drug free workplace, drug testing in the workplace, drug use, drug workplace policy, employee drug testing, nida

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Does Synthetic Urine Really Work?

Two words my friend, SYNTHETIC URINE. Call your local head shop and ask them for some. Its perfect and will work everytime. Basically when you go take the test you use that instead of your piss. It’s great it comes with a lil bottle w/ a temp gauge on it, a lil bag wraps around it to keep it warm, its some kinda chemical in the bag… it gets hot as hell to keep the stuff warm.

I used this EXACT kit and passed a full lab test.

Pass and Cheat Your Urine Test With Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

420 Magazine

I know people who’ve used the synthetic urine for years and have been fine. The thing you need to worry about is the temperature of the sample, if it’s under or over, they’ll know because they test that immediately. Under the armpits isn’t gonna cut it.

Ask Metafilter

To safely pass a drug test synthetic is the only 100% way to go.Read the directions and practice with it. You can heat it up numerous times.
I’ve used it.It depends on whether I KNOW I’m clean or not.If I KNOW I’m clean I’ll use my own piss if I’m not sure I use quickfix.I get hit with randoms(or supposedly randoms) a lot.But I tend to be pretty vocal about the drug war.

Technorati fake pee, lab test, pass a drug test, quickfix, randoms, synthetic urine, temp gauge, urine test

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Street Drugs

The traditional use of the word “drug” refers to substances that are taken for medicinal reasons. In fact it wasn’t until the 19th century that a distinction began to grow between “medical” and “recreational” drug use. Some medicines prescribed by doctors, for example, barbiturates and tranquillizers, are just as harmful and/or addictive as some of the illegal street drugs and indeed find their way onto the streets. Various plants and household substances are also being tucked under the drugs umbrella if they’re used in certain ways. A common wild fungus called the Liberty Cap (one of the “magic mushrooms”) contains a chemical that causes hallucinations when eaten, and butane gas lighter refills and paint thinners give a quick, cheap, but dangerous buzz when sniffed. Most illegal streetdrugs started life in the laboratory as legitimate, respectable medicines; the medical profession developed them as possible remedies for various conditions:

ecstasy started life as an appetite suppressantLSD (acid) was discovered by mistake by a Swiss chemist in 1943it was hoped that heroin would prove to be a powerful non-addictive painkiller when it was discovered in 1874.

Related Post: Facts about Cocaine.

Technorati barbiturates, drug use, ecstasy, Heroin, illegal drugs, LSD, magic mushrooms, recreational drug use, street drugs, street names of drugs, tranquillizers

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Home Remedies for Passing Drug Tests

At a moment various remedies for passing drug test are recommended for home appliance. In this period you need to get rid of those ingredients of the simple drugs in the body. Mostly they are fat-soluble and your task is to enhance the metabolism with the help of natural home remedies. Actually they are safe and don’t interfere your health. The means listed below help to reduce the grade of drug concentration in your body.

Frequent urination directly influences metabolism in your body. On your choice you can either drink pure water or use some kind of diuretics like coffee, iced tea, cranberry juice, grapes, Pepsi or beer. Some consider that vinegar may help. It’s not true and it won’t help you to cleanse the body. Instead you may try fiber diet, which helps your body to get off the toxic elements. And for certain bodily exercises contribute to the detoxification of the narcotic elements due to circulatory effect and fat burning.

Related Post:  How to Pass an Oral Drug Test

Technorati body cleanse, detoxification, diuretics, drug concentration, fiber diet, metabolism, narcotic, passing drug tests, urination, vinegar

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Drug Testing Facts

There is no single drugtest that will detect each and every substance consumed by you. Each type of drugs must be tested for independently. The NID? specifies that the minimum test be for the following five classes:

Amphetamines and methamphetamines (Ectasy and Phentermine will show up here)Cannabinoids (Marijuana, Hashish)CocaineOpiates (Heroin, Opium, Morphine, Codeine)Phencyclidine (PCP)

Additional drug testing include:

Anabolic steroids (Stanazolol, Nandrolene)Barbituates (Amytal, Fioricet, Nembutal, Seconal)Benzodiazepines (Ativan, Klonapin, Librium, Valium, Xanax)MethadoneMethaqualonePropoxyphene (Darvon, Darvocet)

Factors afecting drug detection times:

Metabolism (a faster metabolism gets rid of the substance more easily)History (frequency) of use (the greater the frequency - the longer the detection time)Tolerance (prolonged use brings higher tolerance and shorter detection time)Body weigth (the more body weight, the longer the detection period)Potency of drugTechnorati drug detection times, drug test, drug testing, drug testing facts, drug use, drugs, hashish, Heroin, Marijuana, metabolism, substance

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Drug Addiction

When does drug use become “addiction?”

The bottom line is this: when someone continues to crave, seek out and use a drug despite negative consequences - they are addicted. What this means in real life is that the drug becomes more important than everything else. An addict will keep using even when the drug interferes with school, work, family or friends.

The following three stages are often used to describe people’s drug use:

Casual Use - Experimentation with the drug - maybe giving into peer pressure. Drugs are used to feel good and to have fun. Use of the drug is limited in this stage.

Heavier Use - A tolerance to the drug is being built. More and more of the drug is needed to get the same effects as before. Changes in the user’s behavior become more apparent. “Abuse” is usually used to describe “problem” use (i.e., when someone gets wasted every time they’re upset.) This may be a step toward full-blown addiction.

Dependency and Addiction - There is a real loss of control over the drug. Users now feel that they need the drug to function. Users may be angry or withdrawn when they don’t have the drug. Users may begin to lie and steal in order to buy the drug. Relationships with friends and family suffer.

Related Post: The Most Addictive Drugs

Link: Addiction Free Forever Program

Technorati addiction, casual drug use, dependency, drug abuse, drug addict, drug addiction, drug addiction help, drug addiction symptoms, drug consequences, drug use

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The Best Way To Pass a Drug Test Is To Not Use Drugs?

The majority of substances which are abused fall into one of the following categories: Opioids or opiates (heroin, opium); stimulants (cocaine and other amphetamine-like drugs), cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish, and THC); hallucinogens (LSD and psilocybin); sedative-hypnotics (prescription drugs like alprazolam and barbiturates); and PCP.

The opiates and stimulant drugs like cocaine are highly addictive and clearly worth avoiding altogether. Other mammals (besides humans) who become experimentally addicted to these drugs in the laboratory will administer such substances compulsively until they die. Since there just isn’t any guarantee that your human mammalian brain will take any differently to the “pleasures” of opiates or stimulants than our mammalian ancestors do when they are exposed to such “delightfully” addictive substances, then we are all well-advised to avoid ever tasting such forbidden fruits as these. Those who have “gotten away with” any amount of opiate or stimulant use or abuse without suffering their potentially destructive consequences sometimes develop the erroneous belief that their somewhat favorable experiences are an indication that they are not destined to run into trouble with these drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more often a person tempts fate by using one of these drugs, the more false confidence he or she develops that it is okay to continue using with impunity. Later if not sooner, the casual user often begins to use habitually, or runs into some kind of unexpected complication, and the illusion of controlled drug use is shattered, often leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

Hallucinogens and PCP may engender psychotic-like episodes of unreality which have been known to precipitate the beginning of chronic drug-induced psychotic conditions which become clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia. Sedative-hypnotic (”downer”) abuse, although not as common as it used to be, remains a bad idea, as it always as has been. The more one uses, the more likely it is that one will develop physical dependence. And there is nothing worse than stopping a drug like alprazolam (Xanax) cold turkey because the unethical or naive doctor who was supplying you or your dealer with the downers has lost his license. Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal is extremely unpleasant, and can lead to grand mal seizures and death not infrequently.

So what about marijuana and its derivatives? Is there really anything wrong with occasional, non-pathological use of cannabis? Well, here goes. Of the various illicit substances, marijuana is, generally speaking, the one which causes the least destruction. Nonetheless, it is an addictive psychoactive substance which does grab hold of some users and refuses to let go. Some of the most despondent long-term drug users were daily marijuana smokers whose lives were going nowhere, who wanted to stop using but could not, and whose daily experiences of depression and anxiety were a clear-cut consequence of their habitual pot smoking. So even though pot generally causes less damage than other ilegal drugs, it imparts sufficient risks to its users that, in general, society is better off discouraging its use, except when medically necessary.

Related Post: Marijuana.

Technorati addictive drugs, cannabinoids, drug abuse, drug abuse facts, drug test, drug withdrawal, hallucinogens, illegal drugs, opiates, opioids, pass a drug test, PCP, prescription drugs, stimulants

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Drug Urinalysis

Actually there are two kinds of drug urinalysis – quick EMIT test and exacted drug-urinalysis test.

EMIT test can in short time detect the usage of such drugs as cocaine, crack, methamphetamines, amphetamines, ecstasy, PCP, heroin and morphine.

Drug-urinalysis test makes possible to detect harder drugs. The samples are sent to laboratory for the gas chromatography and spectrometry. Usually the results are ready in about 3 days.

Generally, time needed for detecting drugs in organism depends on kind of drugs. For example, some hard drugs, which harm the body and brain most of all, can be detected only in few hours after the intake. Moreover such drugs as marijuana (as well as hashish) can be detected even up to 6 weeks before use. But eventually you can still test positive for drugs even if you are totally clean.

Related Post: Types of Drug Testing

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What's Worst: Alcohol or Marijuana?

Putting aside the matter of alcohol’s legality and marijuana’s illegality, there are some fundamental differences between these 2 substances. There is an extensive body of medical research which demonstrates that very moderate use of alcohol by adults who are able to drink (no history of alcoholism, non-pregnant women, and no other medical conditions which preclude drinking) is actually good for their health. Men who drink 3-6 standard drinks (12 oz. beer or 5 oz. wine or 1.5 oz. whiskey) per week (in 2 or more sittings) and women who drink 2-4 standard drinks per week (in 2 or more sittings) simply suffer from less heart disease than people who do not drink at all. Although medical use of marijuana may help certain individuals with either glaucoma or with nausea due to chemotherapy, there are no credible studies which demonstrate that cannabis has general positive health effects for moderate pot smokers.

A second fundamental difference is in the route of administration. Although, marijuana is occasionally ingested, it is mostly smoked. Our respiratory systems were simply not built to handle smoke. Like cigarette smoke, marijuana smoke contains carbon monoxide, carcinogens, tars and other toxins. Some research even indicates that marijuana smokers who hold the smoke in their lungs for a long time before exhaling (as many do) are particularly likely to suffer lung damage. On the other hand, moderate use of alcohol by people who are able to drink is not intrinsically damaging to the digestive system.

Although many pot smokers have difficulty giving up marijuana in spite of its negative consequences and despite a strong desire to quit for once and for all, there is little doubt that out-of-control alcoholism does more overall damage (both to individuals and to society) than out-of-control pot-smoking. So it’s healthier to drink alcohol moderately than to be a casual marijuana user, and more dangerous to be a big-time alcoholic than to be a serious pot-head. For both substances, about 15-20% of users end up getting hooked, losing control, and causing problems to themselves and others.

So which is the lesser of the evils? If you are able to drink, then drink moderately. As long as marijuana is illegal, stay away from it. If you don’t, you may end up rubbing shoulders with people who have a vested interest in introducing you to more hazardous (and more lucrative) drugs like cocaine and heroin. And remember that the pot you could buy could end up being laced or contaminated with harmful substances and chemicals. If marijuana is ever legalized, don’t forget that smoking anything can damage your lungs, and that a significant percentage of initially “casual” marijuana smokers end up doing persistent harm to themselves because they are not able to cut down or stop when they wake up and decide that it’s time to clean up their act.

Related Post: Marijuana.
alcohol, cannabis, effects of alcohol on the body, effects of marijuana, Marijuana, marijuana addiction, marijuana laws, marijuana legality, marijuana smoke, medical use of marijuana, pot smokers