Cocaine and crack are very addictive illegal drugs. They are very powerful and fast-acting stimulants that give people a high. Cocaine, in its purest form, is a white chunky powder. It is produced by processing the leaves of the cocoa plant (which is mainly found in South America). Crack is a smokeable form of cocaine that comes in tiny chunks or rocks. Crack is most often sold in small vials and is usually pretty cheap. Crack is known to be more powerful than powder-form cocaine. The high from crack is also far more intense and addictive than that of cocaine.
Cocaine and crack are used differently. Cocaine is usually snorted (quickly inhaled through the nose) or done intravenously (injected). Crack is usually smoked in a glass pipe or in tobacco and marijuana cigarettes.
What are the effects of Cocaine/Crack?
Short-term effects:
Feeling of limitless power and energyAlertnessIncreased heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperatureInability to sit still or sleepFalse sense of joyThis high is followed quickly by a crash. Once the euphoric feeling wears off, users feel depressed, tired, irritable and nervous. They usually also feel a need for more of the drug. Users can become addicted very quickly.
Long-term effects:
With prolonged use of cocaine/crack people usually experience:
Extreme anxietyDepressionParanoia and suspicion of othersHallucinations and “coke bug”- where users see imaginary bugs on their bodiesAddictionPermanent lung damagePersonality changesHoles/ulcers inside the nose (from snorting coke)If Cocaine is injected, there is a major risk of getting and/or transmitting AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases.
The effect of cocaine and crack in our communities has been devastating. Due to the fact that crack is so inexpensive, young children have had access to it. Cocaine/crack addicts will do just about anything to get their next hit, even things such as prostitution, drug selling, stealing and other crimes. Cocaine/crack use has contributed to numerous accidents, including car crashes, drowning, falls, and burns; it has resulted in murders and suicides.
Related Post: Facts about Cocaine
Passing a Cocaine Drug Test

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