Also known as the peace pill, angel dust, killer weed, supergrass, and many more. Phencyclidine is the chemical name for the drug PCP. PCP is an illegal drug and is probably the most dangerous hallucinogen that is currently being used. PCP was originally used as an anesthesia for surgery, but because of its severe effects, it was soon discontinued. In its purest form, it is a white, crystal-like powder that is easily dissolved in water. In an impure form, the drug is often tan or brown in color and can be in a powder, paste or liquid. It is usually sold in powder form, or as capsules or pills.
PCP can be taken by mouth or snorted; it is usually smoked, however. PCP is usually applied to dark brown cigarettes or cigarettes containing leafy products such as mint, oregano or even marijuana. PCP is occasionally injected, as well.
What happens when you are on PCP?
PCP is hard to classify. Different people react to the drug in different ways. The usual effects of PCP use include:
At low doses:
Shallow and rapid breathingIncreased blood pressure and heart rateIncrease in body temperatureExcessive sweatingRapid and involuntary eye movementExaggerated walkNumbnessBlurred eyesightSlurred speech
At moderate and high doses or with long term use:
Rapid drop in blood pressure, heart rate and breathingNausea and vomitingBlurred visionDizziness and loss of coordinationPermanent speech problemsDecreased awareness of painMuscle contractions that lead to jerky movementsConvulsions and eventually coma or deathPermanent brain, heart and lung damageFear of people and thingsMemory lossFlashbacksAgitationCatatonia
When people use phencyclidin, it is hard to determine the dose. You don’t know exactly what you are getting, and users often have severe reactions to the drug.
The psychological effects of PCP include:
Inability to think clearlyMild to intense euphoriaFear, anxiety and panicDetachment from realityExtraordinary strengthSense of invulnerabilityViolenceFlashbacksDelusions
High doses and excessive use of PCP often lead to symptoms that are almost indistinguishable from those of schizophrenia. With doses of 150mg or more, death can also occur. As with other drugs, long-term abuse can lead to severe mental and physical damage. Persistent speech problems, loss of memory and severe anxiety and depression are just some of the long-term effects. This is an extremely dangerous drug.
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